Nice Tips: How to Love Your Boyfriend

Nice tips to share to my girls friend blogger out there. 

Love ur boyfriend from the bottom of ur heart.

1. Tell him that you love him everyday and at random times. 

2. Intertwine your fingers with his when you walk together.

3. Cuddle up to him when you're sitting next to each other.

4. Be happy when you are around him. If you are having a bad day, let him know. He's there for you.

5. Spend time with your friends and never compromise when he is sad. You don't have your full time with him.

6. Hug him from behind sometimes as a surprise.

7. Share some inside jokes with each other - there's something very bonding about having a cute little secret only the two of you know.

8. Cheer him up when he's down. Anything from a joke to a sweet note left where he could see it.

9. Bake or make things for him. It's a really sweet gesture and he's sure to appreciate it.

10. Try not to be bitter or jealous. Be humble, sweet, adorable and extra flirty.

11. Be honest. When he asks you if you're okay, don't tell him you're fine if you're not.

12. Compliment him on how he looks, what he's wearing, etc.

13. Hug/kiss him first sometimes. Don't let him be the one always doing it first.

14. Lean on his chest when he is lying down. Most guys like that and he won't stop you.

15. Show your love to him whenever you can.



Pena Crystal said...

hoho..sweet..boley practice neh.ahaks

Admin said...

boleh je...try lah

Anonymous said...

Wow, the perfect girl :D

Admin said...

i love no 10 n 11
girls, pls let us know if ur not ok!
its annoying when u r faking it. rawr

Justinn Sing said...

wow.. if my girl can do half of the list i'd love her to death. haha.

Admin said...

really justin...i think i should tell u gf lo..she will be happy..hehehe

Anonymous said...

My name is Jinni from Federal Capital Territory I'm a single working mom with 2 beautiful kids. Less than a year ago I had been dumped by my husband, was broke & overweight, and I pulled myself out of my pity party & turned to white with great results!

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