My Nuffnang Buffered Earnings

Beside received earning from clik2 ads by visitor that interesting to ur ads.
U also can earn some or lot of earning from buffered earning.

This one i not sure how we get buffered earning.
Some of my friend said, maybe bcoz lots visitor visit ur blog.
Another reason not sure lo.
Maybe someone can explain here!!

Ok...lets check my buffered earning far..emmm

Hah....just one buffered earning in my list.
For now lo, hope get more of it...soooon.

And this was my metered earning.
 From what my friend said, metered earning was buffered earning that already finish campaign.
I think like that lo...i also not sure.
Someone can help here...pls explain!!!


Iriene said...

Wow, good job..
Happy New Year 2010 to you & do keep in touch :)

Unknown said...

yeah.... metered is the buffered earning that hv end of their campaign

Admin said...

oh..thx you ya..happy new year to

Debra said...

haha i can never understand what are the buffered/metered earnings. haha only know the total earnings or smth. =D

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