5 Ways To Show Her You Love Her

Elo, guys out there, here some tips u can follow to show your special ladies that u love her. Hope it useful to u...Good Luck.

1. Just tell her: just saying "Honey, I love you" will mean the world to her; don't go overboard with it, but say those three little words at random, catch her off guard.

2. Be more affectionate: face it, women tend to need more physical attention; genle kisses on the cheek; touch her face; hug her; all just because.

3. Sweets: women tend to have an extra sweet tooth; bring her home her favorite candy, pastry, or dessert. Remember chocolate contains Phenylethylamine, which is a chemical that gets released in the brain when you're in love (plus it helps her reach her 'O')- find chocolates that are 40% to 70% cocoa.

4. Small gifts: find little things that remind you of her, she'll appreciate it plus she'll know you were thinking about her; magazines at the check out counter; cell phone accessories that she's been wanting; the book, CD, or DVD, that she's been dying to get her hands one

5. Surprise her: little surprises that show her you were thinking about her during the day; send her flowers at home or work
(Source: hubpages.com)


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